“Some firms do promise to help with the transition, but I’m not certain that they actually walk the walk the way that EC does. I have talked to a number of heads who have said the first year was absolutely invaluable and that the Educators Collaborative was right there in making sure that the transition was smooth."

Wendy Avery, Board Chair, Watkinson School (CT)

With you for the long haul.

Finding the right leader is one thing. Making sure a new leader is welcomed and well-resourced is quite another. In fact, it may be even more important than getting that leader in the door.

Each of us at EC remembers our first year “in the chair” at a new school.

From the culture and the mission to the team and the day-to-day operations, a new position comes with a steep learning curve. It can take months to build a relationship with the board and even more until you finally feel at home.

Guiding you through this transition is part of every search we engage in. Supporting leaders and schools through that first year is one of the hallmarks of our approach.

Sometimes this looks like supporting leaders, chairs and team members through the first quarter, meeting as frequently as once a week to provide targeted mentorship, troubleshooting and encouragement. Other times we are hired to provide more in-depth leadership support over a longer period of time.

The more supported the leader, the board and the search committee feel, the better the health of the school and its entire community.

“I’m astonished at the level of support they provide. The access I have to them is unbelievable— as is their commitment. We have probably met three weeks out of four since I was hired. EC feels like a part of my life. The opportunity to talk things over with somebody who is familiar with the school, and with me, is so important.”

– Placed Candidate

“I don’t think every consulting group I called would have provided the level of support EC did—support we really needed during a transition.”
– Ashley Butler, Search Chair

“I’m astonished at the level of support they provide. The access I have to them is unbelievable— as is their commitment. We have probably met three weeks out of four since I was hired. EC feels like a part of my life. The opportunity to talk things over with somebody who is familiar with the school, and with me, is so important.”
– Armistead Webster, Placed Candidate
“I don’t think every consulting group I called would have provided the level of support EC did—support we really needed during a transition.”

–  Search Chair