Head of School
Start Date:July 1, 2023
Coed Day School Grades K-8 with 450 Students
Pasadena, CA
About the School
Chandler School was founded in 1950 by Thomas and Catherine Chandler with an initial enrollment of 14 students in grades four through eight. By 1958 the school had expanded in enrollment and moved to its current site on Armada Drive in Pasadena. Today, Chandler is a thriving K-8 school with 450 students on a 4.5-acre campus in a beautiful residential neighborhood close to the center of the city.
Since its founding, Chandler has placed a high emphasis on a superb and challenging academic program within a warm, caring, and supportive school community. The school’s mission is “to provide each student with the highest quality and most academically challenging education in a nurturing, balanced and diverse environment. We strive to have our students gain a love of learning, a means of thinking independently and an ability to work collaboratively. A Chandler education seeks to develop good character, self-reliance and a commitment to community in students as a foundation for academic and personal success.” For over 70 years, Chandler’s teachers, faculty and students have been committed to exemplifying and advancing the Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.

Consistent with the school’s mission is a long-standing commitment “to building and sustaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive community in which the empathy of every member guides our understanding of human differences. We affirm, honor, celebrate, and value our individual and collective likenesses and differences.”
Chandler School was built on a legacy of educational excellence and is well known and respected as one of California’s finest K-8 schools.
About the Position
The Board of Trustees of Chandler School is seeking an experienced educational leader who will embrace the school’s mission and have the skills and leadership style to build on a very strong foundation and carry forward ambitious plans for the future. Of particular importance are a commitment to academic excellence, the care and well-being of every student, providing leadership and support for a talented and dedicated faculty, a willingness to work in partnership with supportive parents and a belief in the value of nurturing and sustaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive school community.
How to Apply
Candidates interested in this position are asked to submit
the following materials by March 28, 2022:
– EC Cover/Summary Sheet (Contact Marcus Hurlbut
and Joan Beauregard for that document)
– A cover letter addressed to the Search Committee
– Resume
– Statement of educational philosophy
– A Diversity Statement describing your specific skills/experiences
working with diverse populations, your values related to diversity
and inclusion issues, and how you see yourself contributing to achieving
equity and enhancing diversity at Chandler School
– A list of five or more references with contact information
(including phone numbers and email addresses)
– Up to three letters of reference may be submitted
Application materials are to be sent electronically via email,
as a single WORD document to:
Marcus Hurlbut, Partner, Educators’ Collaborative, LLC:
mhurlbut@educatorscollaborative.com, 949-279-3084
Joan Beauregard, Partner, Educators’ Collaborative, LLC: jbeauregard@educatorscollaborative.com, 206-851-6616
Candidates are encouraged to speak personally with
Marcus Hurlbut or Joan Beauregard
Listing Date: January 31, 2022