Head of School
Start Date: July 1, 2023
Coed Day School Grades Pre-K – 12
490 Students
Dayton, OH
Opportunity Statement
The Miami Valley School is Dayton’s only independent, nonsectarian college preparatory school for grades Pre-K through 12.
Since its founding in 1964, MVS has been a leader in experience-based education, an approach that is guided by its signature MVS Immersion Method. MVS challenges students to become self-sustaining learners and compassionate global citizens by empowering them to explore their passions in a supportive, diverse learning environment. The attractive campus and superb facilities – state-of-the-art theater, self-sustaining greenhouse, outdoor education center, and an atrium – create an environment conducive to immersive and differentiated learning, and are optimal for hands-on education. MVS is all about students, the minds that seek, and teachers, the hearts that serve, who together have fostered intellectual curiosity, community connectedness, and personal relationships.

Search Calendar
The search is beginning in September 2022 and will continue until the position is filled (anticipated late fall 2022). Interested candidates should submit a complete dossier to one of the EC consultants.
How to Apply
Application Materials Requested:
- EC Candidate Summary (request from search consultant)
- Letter of interest to the Miami Valley School Search Committee
- CV
- Leadership Statement
- Five references with email and phone contact
Educators Collaborative (EC) is assisting in this search. Direct inquiries, applications, and nominations to either:
Andre Withers, Partner, Educators Collaborative, LLC
Email: awithers@educatorscollaborative.com – andre.withers@gmail.com
Doug Jennings, Partner, Educators Collaborative, LLC
Email: djennings@educatorscollaborative.com – dougjennings2249@gmail.com
Listing Date: September 12, 2022