The Cover Letter

The Cover Letter Brenda Hamm | April 26, 2022 The three primary components of your written application are the resume, personal statement, and cover letter. Visualize them as a Venn diagram, each represented by a circle overlapping with the other two. The intersection of all three circles is where the school knows you have a… Continue reading The Cover Letter

Finding the Right Leader

Finding the Right Leader John M. Mackenzie | March 23, 2020 “There has never been a more difficult time to lead a school.” This is a frequently heard refrain that grows more true with each passing year. While it is difficult to compare different eras in any endeavor, there are good reasons to acknowledge why… Continue reading Finding the Right Leader

Hiring Leaders Who Will Succeed in Times of Crisis

Hiring Leaders Who Will Succeed in Times of Crisis John M. Mackenzie | September 23, 2020 (Author’s note:  While this article primarily references heads of schools, much of it can also apply to the hiring of senior administrators and faculty members. This piece was published in the NAIS Community Market in September, 2020.) As a… Continue reading Hiring Leaders Who Will Succeed in Times of Crisis

Transition in Trying Times

Transition in Trying Times Mary Seppala | October 1, 2020 A Cohort Model for Supporting New HeadsOne of our hallmarks at Educators’ Collaborative dating back to our founding in 1971 is our commitment to supporting all Heads as they transition into their new leadership positions, with particular and extensive attention to those beginning their first… Continue reading Transition in Trying Times

Transition Plan

Transition Plan Marcus Hurlbut | October 23, 2020 For many years now, one of the hallmarks of an Educators’ Collaborative search has been our commitment to work with search committees, boards and school communities on matters associated with the transition from one head to the next. We know that for some in the world of… Continue reading Transition Plan

The Candidate Experience

The Candidate Experience Jean Lamont | February 23, 2021 Successful executive search work for independent schools has to be comprehensive. Search consultants discern the ‘DNA’ of a client school, interpret the current challenges, and bring to light opportunities. They recruit good-fit candidates who have the qualities, skill set and experience that make them ready for… Continue reading The Candidate Experience