Your Mission, Should You Choose to Celebrate It

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Celebrate It Brenda Hamm | January 22, 2024 How about a New Year’s resolution for your school? Better yet, how about a New Year’s tradition? Not surprisingly, there are a ton of online discussions regarding New Year’s resolutions. Here are a couple of my favorites from Reddit. ArcadianHarpist asks,… Continue reading Your Mission, Should You Choose to Celebrate It

Mindset of a Millennial Board Chair

Mindset of a Millennial Board Chair André Withers | October 02, 2023 One unexpected realization from my search work is that more and more board members and board chairs are now my age. Enter the free-thinking, avocado-eating, sneaker-wearing millennial leaders! This shift in board composition is worth noting and promoting. Millennials, after all, are the… Continue reading Mindset of a Millennial Board Chair

Kids are Feeling the Heat

Kids are Feeling the Heat Brenda Hamm | October 04, 2023 Schools are all about the future and the potential of our children and what they will become or do. But what if students in your school aren’t feeling terribly optimistic about that future? There is growing evidence that climate change is having an impact… Continue reading Kids are Feeling the Heat

For Your Nightstand

For Your Nightstand Brenda Hamm | June 15, 2023 Stop, drop, and read! Here are several great reads, in alphabetical order by author, recommended by EC partners to add to your nightstand or to bring with you on vacation. 1) Slow Horses, 2010, by Mick Herron Recommended by Nat Conard who says, “Perhaps even more incomprehensible… Continue reading For Your Nightstand

Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List Brenda Hamm | July 13, 2023 Summer is the perfect time to do some extracurricular reading, whether that means honing your leadership skills or escaping from day-to-day routines. You can’t get away from all the “required reading” of your work, but choosing something for yourself this summer can get the creative, idea-generating… Continue reading Summer Reading List

Thinking Outside the Inbox: Email Management

Pause for a minute and consider some of the issues that schools and school leaders are experiencing, including the BLM and Me Too movements, a pandemic, school gun violence, climate change, social media and its impact on student mental health, AI, and the politicization of LGBTQIA2S+ communities.

Thinking Outside of the Box

Creative thinkers will be the ones who will see more variation in possible approaches to issues, big and small. Like the teacher who used ChatGPt to her advantage in her 6th grade classroom